In order to raise money for the Year 4 children’s Egyptian Day the school held ‘The Greatest Showman Sing Along’. It was an enjoyable afternoon which was well attended by many of the children, parents and Grandparents. There was lots of popcorn, singing and some dancing too. We would like to say a big thank
Jeans For Genes
We raised the fantastic total of £270.40 in aid of Jeans for Genes. Well do all for donating to such a worth cause.
Year 6 Sleepover
Children in Year 6 have taken part in their annual sleepover at the school. The evening involved team-building games and ‘Predator-Prey’ with Mr Eyre (with a close eye being kept on the England-Belgium match!), followed by watching ‘Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban’ in the Jackson Hall. After plenty of sweets and popcorn, the
Dance Festival
Wishing all of our dancers in Years 2, 4 and 6 the best of luck for their performances in tonight’s LWS Dance Festival.
Thame Carnival
What a great day, full of sunshine, for Vernon the caterpillar to make his way through the lush meadows of JHS children and parents. A tremendous amount of work was put into the construction of the caterpillar, so many parents and staff gave up their own time to make sure everything was ready on the
Science Week – Flight
This year’s Science Week theme of “Flight” has been a huge success and the children have really “taken off” and “flown” with the idea. We had a visit from Wheatley Birds of Prey where the children were able to have a close look at some amazing birds. The John Hampden wildlife were looking a little