This page contains the school policies that the DfE requires schools to publish on their websites. If the policy you need is not published here or you would like a paper copy of any school policy please enquire within the school office.
Accessibility Policy
Our policy on accessibility within school for all children.
Accessibility Action Plan
Our objectives on accessibility within school for all children.
Administration of Medicines Policy
Our policy on the correct administration of medicines within school.
Admissions Policy
The John Hampden Primary School admission policy, for nursery and reception aged children.
Behaviour Policy
Our school’s aims, expectations, and principles around behaviour.
Bereavement Policy
The schools policy outlining our support for all those affected by loss or death.
Charging And Remissions
Our policy on charging for and remissions for school activities and ensuring our pupils have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Who to speak to and the process for handling complaints of all types, including SEN, for John Hampden Primary School.
Equality & Diversity Policy
At the John Hampden and Tetsworth Schools’ Federation our core values are caring, aspiration and resilience. We will treat everyone fairly; celebrating and meeting different needs so that all members of our school community are free to live, learn and achieve their potential.
Equality Objectives
Our objectives on equality within school for all children.
PSED Objectives
Public bodies such as schools have a duty under the 2010 Equality Act to ensure they promote equality within their organisations and this statement sets out how we endeavour to achieve this at John Hampden Primary School and Tetsworth Primary School and includes areas we have improved on over the past school year.
E-Safety Policy
EYFS Policy
We aim to support all children to become independent and collaborative learners. Across the Foundation Stage, we will provide a broad and balanced curriculum that will enable each child to develop personally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, creatively and intellectually to their full potential.
Homework Policy
Homework is defined as any activity that pupils undertake outside of school lesson time, either on their own or with the support of family members. At our schools, we firmly believe that that parental involvement will develop the partnership between home and school and enhance the learning of the children.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022
Privacy Policy
Remote Learning Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
The Governing Body of the John Hampden and Tetsworth Schools’ Federation takes seriously its responsibility under section 11 of the Children Act and duties under “working together” to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements exist within our setting to identify, and support those children who are suffering harm or are likely to suffer harm.
We recognise that all staff and governors have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is our paramount concern.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy
Our policy for pupils with SEN (updated annually).